FCAR Feline Adoption Application
Pet ownership is a serious commitment that the entire household needs to consider and agree to before an animal is adopted. We want to ensure that each adoptive household is aware of, willing, and able to accept the physical and financial responsibilities of pet ownership. Not everyone who desires to own a pet is ready to properly care for one. This questionnaire will assist both you and us in determining if your household is prepared to assume the role of responsible caretaker for a rescued animal.

**Please note that our entire rescue is run on volunteers' donated time. It generally takes us 72hrs to get back to applicants. Sometimes longer than that if you are apply around a holiday or you are apply for a highly popular pet.  If you do not hear from us after 72hrs, please check your spam folder to ensure that our correspondence was not improperly filtered into spam. To help us expedite the process and avoid delays, please do the following once you've submitted the app:
1) Call your vet to let them know you're looking to adopt, and give them permission to speak with us.
2) Let your references know that someone from FCAR will be calling them to conduct a reference check.

We look forward to helping you find your new furry companion!
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Applicant Full Name *
Email Address *
Cell phone number *
Full Address: street. city, and state *
Name of the pet applicant is interested in: *
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