Step Off The Wheel Survey
These questions help me to understand how your beliefs about yourself  may be  holding your back in life, so that I can meet you where you are, in the coming program that I am creating for you.

⭐None of these questions are required so feel free to skip any if you'd like..

⭐Just be sure to pop your name and email down here at the bottom to guarantee your place on the guestlist and to receive your own recorded replay.  

❤Thank you for taking a minute to share your story with me, it´s very helpful.  

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What is the most frustrating thing about your beliefs in yourself and you abilities? 
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What has kept you from feeling able to step off your wheel of worry and overwhelm already?
Is there a certain time of day or situation that seems to bring your worries and feelings of overwhelm to the surface more strongly?
What do you believe about your ability to be free from worry?
If a miracle happened and you were completely free from  feeling overwhelmed and from worrying, how would your life change? Feel free to go into as much detail as possible about how it would impact your relationships, your self-image, your daily life etc.
Are you comfortable sharing your name? If so, write it below.
Would you like to be the first to know when I do a free workshop that guides people to freedom from the wheel of worry and overwhelm? If so, share your email address below. You can also skip this question if you'd like. The choice is entirely up to you.
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