School Building Closure - Family Survey
In an effort to provide students with the best instructional model possible during these challenging times, we request that you take a few moments to complete the following survey.  We want to ensure we're equipped to implement distance learning, following Governor Whitmer's order requiring all school buildings to remain closed for the remainder of the school year.
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Which school does your child attend?
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Grade Level
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Teacher Name
Do your children have a device (Chromebook, laptop, iPad, tablet, or desktop) that they could engage in some form of virtual learning (formal or informal) at home?
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Do your children have Internet access that would support some form of virtual learning at the home (e.g. enough access to watch 2-3 videos simultaneously)?
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Do you have access to a printer at home?
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How does the main caregiver feel about assisting with school work (including technology)?
Severely lacking in confidence
Very confident
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How does the main caregiver feel about having enough time to assist with school work?
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Do you have any other questions or concerns that you would like the building principal to address as we move to remote learning for the remainder of the school year?
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