2023 Grey Matters Haunted House RSVP form
Please fill out this form to RSVP for the Grey Matters haunted house and carnival! The haunted house and carnival will take place on Saturday, October 28th, from 7-10 pm in HUB 332/334, and anybody is invited to attend! You may fill out this form any time before attending the event, even on the day of and/or at the doors. At the event, you will be able to enter a raffle by donating to Grey Matters, with one raffle ticket given for a $2 donation and another ticket awarded for each additional $5 donation. Please do not delete the confirmation email, as it will function as a virtual ticket. 🎃

***Completion of this form indicates your awareness/willingness to attend a haunted house with stimuli that may cause stress for individuals sensitive to surprises/getting spooked. Additionally, there will be lighting effects that may be triggering for those with epilepsy.
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The following demographic questions are optional and are only intended to help us see who we are reaching so we can optimize inclusivity in the future. We appreciate your responses!
How did you hear about Synaptic Scare?
What is your relationship to the University of Washington?
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How old are you?
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What is your race/ethnicity?
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