JOMC User Questionnaire
We are conducting a user survey to understand the usage of JOMC. We would appreciate any feedback you are able to give in this short questionnaire.

 * Response time: 5 to 10 minutes
 * Anonymous response (including section on profession and job contents)

Digital Marketing Center, Global Strategy Headquarters, Japan National Tourism Organization 
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What is your profession? (Multiple answers allowed)
What is your main field of responsibility? (Multiple answers allowed)
Where is your business located (country / region)?
What is the most time-consuming task in your current job?
What do you find most challenging about your current job?
Are there any other resources you use to gather tourist information or materials about Japan? (Multiple answers allowed)
Please provide URLs or website names for the frequently used resources you indicated in your answer above.
If new services or features were to be added to JOMC, which would you find most useful for your business? (Multiple answers allowed)
Do you have any specific content, service ideas or requests that would help promote tourism in Japan?
What is your reason for using JOMC? (Multiple answers allowed)
Which of the following JOMC services do you use most frequently? (Multiple answers allowed)
Which of the following JOMC services are you dissatisfied with? (Multiple answers allowed)
Do you have any specific improvements or suggestions that could improve JOMC's services?
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