Tapestry Online Agreement Form
Tapestry is an online Learning Journey facility used to record your child’s learning in Nursery and Reception. Tapestry is hosted in the UK on secure servers. These servers are proactively managed 24 hours a day. Each Tapestry account has its own database and the code itself is developed using hack resistant techniques. Filenames are encoded for uploaded videos and images, making Tapestry a safe and secure on-line Learning Journey tool, which is used by many schools nationally.

Tapestry offers several advantages over our previous system, not least more parental involvement. By logging on with a secure username and password (details of which will follow) you will be able to view all of your child’s observations, photographs and even video from their time in Early Years. You will receive an email telling you when a new observation or piece of work is available for you to view. This will enable you to follow your child’s individual progress closely and allows you to reflect upon their achievements together.  You can also add your own comments so that we, as a staff, can find out about the learning that they do at home. Staff will make comments based on their observations of the children and which are used to inform our planning.

We would very much appreciate it if you could send us posts about what your child has been doing at home. Sometimes they enjoy things at home that are different from the things we see them doing in Nursery or Reception and it is very useful for us to have an ’all round’ picture of their interests and development so that we can plan appropriately for their learning.

The safeguarding of your children is very important to us.  Everything that is added to Tapestry will be added to our school account and can only be viewed by school staff that use the system, and also yourself, using your own logon.  You will only have access to your child’s own book and this cannot be seen by other parents. However as I am sure you are aware much of the learning that takes place during your child’s time in Nursery and Reception happens in small groups. Therefore photographs and video evidence added to your child’s tapestry account will often include other children, if you agree to this in this online agreement form.  It is crucial that you do not share photos or videos from your child’s book on social media or through other online platforms.  Any incidents where this confidentiality is broken will result in your access to the system being withdrawn.

We are very excited about using this system to our school and would like you to find out more about it too.  Included as an attachment with our last correspondence you will find some Frequently Asked Questions about the system.  I would also like to signpost you to Tapestry’s website where you will find lots of information and videos:  http://eyfs.info/tapestry-info/introduction 
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Your name *
Your child's name *
I give permission for images of my child to appear on Tapestry in their Learning Journal, including photographs and videos.
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I give permission for images of my child to appear on Tapestry in other children's Learning Journals, including photographs and videos.
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Date *
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This form was created inside of Abbots Langley Primary School.

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