Scam Report !!!
by filling out the form:

- you give us permission to use your video / videolink on our website
- your agree that your video is public
- you confirm that your video is always online and accessible
- you confirm that you didn`t use a video of someone else

At the time we are listing:

1. clone websites (phising)
2. phising airdrops (collecting secret keys)
    Most of them are regarded as clone websites because they are trying to copy a certain website like:
    Meta Mask, Trust Wallet, Blockchain etc.
3. withdrawals that are not executed (best is, you contacted support before !!!)
    Here we need a video of proof !!!
4. if you can give us a proof (video) of another scam, we will list it too !!!

Always just dare to report your scam or warning to me !!!
(I will decide about it after watching your video !!!)

For any questions please, join the telegram group and ask your question there
Telegram is the only Social Media we offer support: 

or contact: but best is the telegram group, we have no secrets !!!

Email *
1. The link / URL of the scam website, e.g. (the original site is: *
2. The link / URL of the original website (e.g., if it is a clone website) or the link / URL of your video (it needs to be public !!!) *
3. Which antivirus do you use ? (If the website is blocked by my antivirus, we won`t list it and you will get no SocialCoins !!!)
4. Which browser do you use ?
Your one and only wallet address to always receive SocialCoins !!!
Please always use one and the same wallet for receiving SocialCoins you earned by reporting scam, by participating in airdrops or other tasks (coming soon !!! !!!
Only give your public key !!!
Never your private key, secret key or secret pass phrase !!!)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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