(EN) Valleyfield Outside: What does the community want?

Are you interested in an outdoor play program for your kids? Share what your needs and wants are, so these new programs can be what the community is looking for!

I am in the process of becoming certified as a Forest School Practitioner from the Child and Nature Alliance Canada, and planning to open a nature school called Valleyfield Outside in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield in September. 

Forest/nature schools are extracurricular programs that encourage children to play and learn outside. There are usually groups of 6-12 kids with 2-3 adults, playing and exploring in the forest or other natural area. Forest schools are children-led and play-based, so the kids explore at their own pace. It's all about:
  • Physical skills (climbing, running, tying knots, building with sticks)
  • Social skills (teamwork, leadership)
  • Mental health skills (freedom, nature, play)
  • Science skills (observation, curiosity, experimentation)
  • Connection with nature (respect, understanding, enjoyment)

Forest schools can also expand to more general outdoor programs that include adults, families, and the community in general, coming together to learn and appreciate nature.

I want to make sure that the programs match what our unique community needs -- so I want to hear from you!

Please share this survey far and wide so we can create together a program that kids in this region will love.

(Questions? Email Valleyfieldpleinair@gmail.com)
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Where do you live?
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How old are the kids that you might send to forest school? Check all that apply. (For kids under 2, it would be a program where the parents came with the kids.)
Is transportation an issue for you?
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Is proper clothing for outdoor play an issue for you?
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Would it be difficult for you to provide a lunch and snacks?
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Would you be interested in all-day or part-day programs?
Would you be interested in weekday or weekend programs?
What time would you be able to bring your kids in the morning?

What time would you be able to pick your kids up in the afternoon?
What would you be able to afford to pay for a 4-month program, one full day a week? This fee would cover: teacher salaries, insurance, equipment (ropes, books, shovels), guest teachers (especially local Indigenous speakers), and administration.
What type of programs would you be interested in?
Do your children have any special needs? (Language barriers, not yet toilet trained, allergies, disabilities, neurodivergence, etc.)
How well do your kids speak/understand French?
Not at all
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How well do your kids speak/understand English?
Not at all
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Do your kids often play outside right now?
What is your comfort level with risky play? (Climbing trees, playing near water, playing on rocks, etc.)
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What do your kids do during the week usually?
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Would you be interested in volunteering your time, for example during lunch hours or whole days of the program?
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Would you be interested in working as a paid assistant or substitute teacher? (All training would be provided, a background check and first aid course would be required.)
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Would you like me to email you with updates on the program? If yes, leave your email. 

If you prefer to keep this survey anonymous, you can leave your email here instead: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemcne_wl6naAVjNsTHjDcUq3ZGVR96U3ZXhINMB9EINtLpDQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

*By leaving your email, you consent to receive emails from  Valleyfieldpleinair@gmail.com. Please add that address to your contacts so you don't miss emails.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about what you want and need?
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