Oppose legislation to ban crop protectants and pest management tools approved by the NYS Dept. of Env. Conservation and the Environmental Protection Agency.
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Dear New York Legislators:
Numerous bills have been introduced this session to restrict access to key agricultural protectants (including: chlorpyrifos/Dursban/Lorsban, glyphosate/RoundUp, Seed treatment, atrazine, and more.) New York has a robust science-based regulatory product registration process in place through NYS Department of Environmental Conservation complimenting the Federal Environmental Protection Agency review process.
We believe that the Legislature’s actions interfere with this process and will unjustifiably harm crop yields and the economic viability of New York farms and farmers. Therefore, we the undersigned stand opposed to legislative actions to ban protectants and instead call on you to allow NYSDEC to continue to do its job as the regulator of these products.

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