The Expanse & Lang Belta Community Practice Chat Time Survey
We're sad that many people in the Expanse fandom and Lang Belta learning community are affected by the situation with COVID-19. This crisis has occurred at the same time as our plans to bring back scheduled text and voice practice, though, so perhaps we can find a small good thing in the way that having to spend more time at home makes people's schedules freer.
This survey will determine what days and times work best for text and voice practice chat, in which we use as much Lang Belta as we can to challenge ourselves and learn from one another in a friendly environment. We will likely schedule two text hours, a voice hour especially geared to those who are new to speaking, and a voice hour open to everyone, each week. Less frequently, we may have a voice hour geared to those who consider themselves more experienced or comfortable speaking, though there's no test to pass to get in.
In light of the news, we are also adding an English chat hour simply to help the community feel close to one another*. You can drop by any or all of them. Your survey results will determine which times work best for the most people!
*And someone may have sent you this survey just because you're adjacent to the Lang Belta learning community and would enjoy casual English chatting with people in it. We're looking forward to talking with new friends and feeling closer together. There's space to indicate you're here for English-only chat in the questions below.
When the state of the world changes significantly, we may reëvaluate the schedule.