STA (Teacher's Version) Bargaining Survey  
We are gathering information so that PR&R could develop bargaining priorities. Please be thoughtful and honest so we could best share you voice at the bargaining table. Please complete the survey by October 4, 2021.  
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Level *
What part of the contract is the concern about? be specific as possible (example PDPs Article 8 Section D). If the concerns are not targeted to specific contract language say so. *
Describe the concern and how you would like to see it resolved. *
Anything else you want PR&R and leadership to know /address at the next round of bargaining?
What contract provisions that don't currently exist would you like to add to our contract? (especially if you have experience from other districts) *
I am interested in being more involved in the bargaining process either by being a leader to share information within my building (Contract Action Team) or observing bargaining sessions. *
Anything else you would like us to know
Name (optional)
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