VSW Media Transfer Inquiry

The Media Transfer Lab is VSW’s on-site digitization lab for converting magnetic tapes and film media for access and preservation. It serves artists, non-profit organizations, families with home movies, archives, amateurs, and filmmakers, and is now open for business!

If you are interested in having your media transferred to a digital format, please use this form to start an inquiry or contact Nilson Carroll at nilsoncarroll@vsw.org with any questions or for a transfer estimate.

Email *
Name *
What kind of media do you want to have digitized? (check all that apply) *
How would you describe the quantity of materials? (Number of tapes, number of boxes) *
How were these materials stored? How old are they? *
How would you like the digital materials returned to you? *
Are you with a non-profit organization or archive? *
Any other comments or notes?
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