Nomination for Al Smith "Outstanding Service" Award
 Al Smith was an inspiration to a generation of eventers in Area V. He was a team builder, cheerleader and tireless volunteer and ultimately served as Area V Chair then on the USEA Board of Governors. He gave his time, money, energy, and most of all his heart and soul to eventing. He never forgot that our sport is built from the bottom up. In an effort to honor his dedication and inspire the next generation of eventers to follow in his footsteps, NTEA has instituted the Al Smith “Outstanding Service” Award. 

Written Nominations for the Al Smith Award must be received by NTEA by the deadline and in the manner stated in the NTEA website for this award. 

Based on nominations received by the deadline, the Scholarships & Awards Committee will make a recommendation and the Board will choose and notify the winner. The winner must privately accept the award. The winner will then be publicly announced at the next Awards Banquet. 

At the banquet, the winner will receive: a plaque engraved with his or her name; a perpetual award passed annually to the next recipient; and a $500 cash award to be used at the winner’s discretion for personal educational activities in equestrian sports, especially eventing. 

If qualified nominations are not received or if the winner does not accept, the Board may choose to extend the deadline, name an alternate winner, or not to give the Award for the current year. 

Award Criteria: Nominees for the Al Smith “Outstanding Service” Award must be an adult 22 years of age or older, be a current NTEA member, exhibit enthusiasm, sportsmanship and tireless service in support of eventing, and must not have received the award in the previous year. 

Current NTEA board members, current Scholarship & Awards Committee members, and their immediate family members are not eligible for the current year’s Al Smith Award.  
Nominator First and Last Name (may not be a family member of the Nominee) *
Mailing Address of Nominator *
Phone Number of Nominator *
E-Mail of Nominator *
Nominee First and Last Name *
Nominee Phone Number *
Please describe, in detail, how the nominee has exhibited enthusiasm, sportsmanship and tireless service in the support of eventing.  *
Please describe what makes the nominee "special" among their peers and why you nominated them for this award. *
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