Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Monitoring Form
Help us make positive changes – you matter, we value you!

Wired Aerial Theatre (Wired) want to create opportunities for all: a society in which everyone has the chance to go as far as their talent and hard work will take them, regardless of race, religions and belief, sexual orientations, age, disability, gender (sex), gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity as well as class and economic disadvantage, that prevent people from participating in and enjoying the arts. 

Wired will act to ensure its policies and services better reflect the needs of communities. Wired is committed to increasing diversity in its workforce. 

Wired can only target actions where they are most needed and be sure of progress made if the company can accurately measure these areas. Please help to do this and be part of making this positive change. It is not a requirement to submit these details.

 Please fill in this form as completely as you can.
•   This is an anonymous form, you will not be asked for your name.
•   This information will be collected in the strictest of confidence.
•   The information you provide is stored as part of our application process with restricted access and will not be used for any other purpose than internal monitoring to compare representation and assess our impact on EDI. 
•  Your data will be securely stored for six months, after which an aggregate summary will be incorporated into a general report for internal analysis and reporting purposes.
 No information that could identify you will be published.
• Your data will not be used for any unintended purpose and will not accidentally fall into the hands of a third party.
• Submitted data will not be transferred outside of the UK.
• We do not use submitted data to make automated decisions or undertake profiling about applicants.
 • All data collected is completely anonymous.

Your time is very much appreciated.
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Please tell us what activity brings you to fill in this form for Wired Aerial Theatre: *
Which of the following best describes your current professional circumstances: * *
If chosen other on the previous question, please specify below:
Gender: *
Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assumed to be at birth? *
Age: *
Please tick the marital status category that best represents you: *
Do you have dependents? Dependants might include children, the elderly, or other people who rely on you for care. *
Please tick the ethnic category that best represents you. As you make your decision, please think about what ethnic group means to you, that is how you see yourself.Your ethnicity is a mixture of culture, religion, skin colour, language and the origins of yourself and your family. It is not the same as nationality.
Clear selection
Asian or Asian British:
Clear selection
Black or Black British:
Clear selection
Other ethnic groups:
Clear selection
Dual Heritage:
Clear selection
Are you neurodivergent?
Clear selection
Do you consider yourself to have a disability (hidden or not)? * *
If yes, please state the nature of the (hidden) disability:
Please tick the sexual orientation category that best represents you: *
Please tick the religious category that best represents you: *
Parental Occupation: Thinking back to when you were aged about 14, which best describes the sort of work the main / highest income earner in your household did in their main job? *
Thinking back to when you were aged about 14, did the main/highest income earner in your household work as an employee or were they self-employed? *
If the highest income earner in your household was employed when you were aged 14, did they supervise any other employees? A supervisor is responsible for overseeing the work of other employees on a day-to-day basis. *
If the highest income earner in your household was employed when you were aged 14, how many people worked for their employer? If they were self-employed and employed other people, how many people did they employ? *
If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for Free School Meals at any point during your school years? Free School Meals are a statutory benefit available to school-aged children from families who receive other qualifying benefits and who have been through the relevant registration process. It does not include those who receive meals at school through other means (e.g. boarding school). *
What type of secondary school did you mainly attend between the ages of 11 and 16? *
What is the highest level of qualifications achieved by either of your parent(s) or guardian(s) by the time you were 18? *
Enter postcode *
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