Ensuring Access through Collaborative Health (EACH) & the Patient Inclusion Council (PIC) Coalitions

The Ensuring Access through Collaborative Health Coalition (EACH) and Patient Inclusion Council (PIC) is a two-part coalition that aims to patient organizations and allied groups (EACH) as well as patients and caregivers (PIC) to advocate for health policies that benefit patients. Patient organizations are encouraged to participate in both EACH and PIC.

We believe that patient perspectives are the key to good healthcare policies, so patients and caregivers should be both seen and heard at all levels of government. 

Our coalition aims to ensure that health policies made at the state and federal levels are made in the best interests of patients and protect their access to needed care and treatments.


  • Unite patient organizations, patient-supporting groups, and patients/caregivers to ensure our voices are counted to ensure affordability review processes do not impact access to therapies, cost savings are passed along to patients, and innovation is not compromised.

  • Foster information sharing and group engagement.

  • Educate patients/caregivers to learn about affordability reviews and their potential impact on their treatments, as well as empower them to get involved.

Our EACH Coalition and PIC meetings take place monthly. If you are interested in being involved, please complete the form below.

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1. First Name *
2. Last Name *
3. Email *
4. City *
5. State/Province *
6. Country *
7. Please select which part of the coalition you are interested in being involved with: (NOTE patient organizations may choose both!) *
8. For those interested in joining the EACH coalition, you must be affiliated with a Patient Organization, allied group, or lead a coalition. What is the name of your associated group or coalition? (If you are interested as a patient or caregiver, please skip to question 10.)
9. If you are affiliated with an organization/group, what is your website?
10. For patients and caregivers, which best describes your role. Choose all that apply.
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