Age Friendly Network Meetings

In 2025, the Age Friendly Network will host a series of inclusive themed network meetings, where members set the agenda, and share your experience of living in North Yorkshire as an older person.

Each network meeting will have relevant guest speakers, participation from relevant services and organisations, and the chance for you tell us what’s important to you within that theme. The meetings will be held once a quarter, and are open to any aged 50+ living in North Yorkshire or any organisations with a relevant interest.

With that in mind, we would like to hear from you which themes you would us to focus on.

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Which of the following Age-friendly Communities topics are most interested in? (tick all that apply)
Why does the topic(s) you have selected above interest you?
What are the key issues that you would like to see discussed at an Age Friendly Network meeting?
Who would you like to see attend the themed network meetings?
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