Thank Holmes Its Friday - Get Free Audio Codes
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Claiming your FREE audio books is easy.
Please tell us which of this week's audiobooks you'd like.  You can claim as many of the titles below as you like. Once you've completed your form we will generate your unique codes and email you with instructions on how to redeem.  The email will come from and so please make sure this address is in your safelist.

IMPORTANT: We kindly ask that:

(a) You check your audible account and library BEFORE submitting your request.  We only have a limited number of codes we can distribute at any one time and these only work if you are downloading a title for the first time.

(b) You redeem these codes ASAP so we can keep issuing complimentary audiobooks to all who crave them!

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Please let us have your first name just so we can address you personally *
Please let us know your location. This information is required in order to send you the correct redemption link. *
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