Bytown Evolution - Train to Race Registration
Welcome to our 16 week summer program focused on introducing you to training and racing as part of a competitive crew.

When:       Now - August, Tuesday & Thursday night 8pm
Location: Practices launch from the Rideau Canoe Club on Mooney’s Bay (Rideau River)
Cost:        $210 July - End of Season, all inclusive: practicing, racing, uniform, club membership

Payment: Wait to send payment to our treasurer. Once you receive confirmation email from us, you can send an e-transfer to our treasurer: to secure your spot.

Note: Participants will also register with Dragon Boat Canada (~$25) so that they can race at festivals in the Sport divisions.

Email *
Name: *
Crew: *
We are putting together two crews, one that can compete in Senior A+ (must be aged 39+) and one that will compete in Premier (any age). Paddlers younger than 24 should check out our U24 crew!
Age by end of year (Dec 31, 2022): *
Dragon Boat Canada sets age divisions according to your age by the end of the year.
Gender *
Previous Paddling & Training Experience
Check off any or all the descriptions that fit you!
Paddling Side
Let us know what side you prefer to paddle on (or "either" if you can paddle both). If you aren't sure, that's fine, just select "I don't know yet!".
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Additional Notes or Comments
Tell us more about your experience, ask us questions, whatever you want here...
T-Shirt Size (for Team Uniform)
These shirts are unisex-sized but fit snugly.
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