ASHANTI Grateful Studio Student Registration 2024/2025 
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Parent Name *
1st Student Name *
1st Student Birthday *
2nd Student Name
2nd Student Birthday
Address *
Parent Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Parent Email *
How did you find out about Grateful Studios? *
Please list WEEKDAYS & TIMES between 2 and 6:30p that you are available for a weekly 30-45 minute private lesson. *
Is there a string program offered at your child's school? *
What is the name of your child's school? *
When you ask your child if they are able to commit to the following (Suzuki learning methods), do they say "YES!"? 

1) Play everyday
2) Go to lessons every week + group class (when offered)
3) Listening to your songs everyday (audio or YouTube playlist)
Are you as the "home practice partner" able to commit to the following?

1) Taking notes during weekly lessons.
2) Daily facilitation of 15-60 minutes of practice & music-listening with your child at home, 
3) Great attendance at weekly lessons & monthly group class (when offered) --> No more than three missed lessons per semester (September-November, December-February, March-May).
I have read about & understand GS policies & tuition rates in the GS Handbook:  *
Are you requesting a scholarship? *
If you are requesting a scholarship, does your child qualify for free/reduced lunch? *
If you would like to receive SOME financial aid but not a full scholarship, how much could you contribute toward your child's lessons each month?
Would you like to support another child to take lesson with YV for a scholarship donation of $1,380*?

*Signing up for a monthly or quarterly donation is a great option at
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How would you like to be invoiced for tuition? 
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Is your child allergic to peanuts or anything else? Or do either of you require a scent-free space etc.? We have an essential oil diffuser we use sometimes to keep the rooms fresh.
I grant Grateful Studios permission to use my family's photos, video, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.
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Is there anything else you want us to know?
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