Housing and Wholeness Trainings & Canvasses
As part of our Spring 2023 Housing & Wholeness Campaign, the Leaven Land & Housing Coalition is hosting a series of trainings and opportunities to canvass our neighborhoods. Trainings and canvasses are being held at a variety of "anchor sites" throughout the tri-county area, and more are being scheduled every few weeks.

At the trainings, we'll learn how to have courageous conversations with our neighbors around the housing crisis -- conversations that address people's concerns, counter the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) narratives that divide us, and build active support for humane & proven solutions to this crisis. 

At the canvasses, we'll engage the skills of deep canvassing -- rooted in compassionate curiosity -- to talk with neighbors and build active support for supportive services and transitional / affordable housing in our neighborhoods. Never canvassed before? Don't worry! We'll get trained up together before heading out in pairs for this essential work in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors. 

If you work, worship, or live near any of these sites, we hope you'll sign up below for a training and a canvass today. Feel free to forward to your friends to join!

Note: You don't have to have attended one of the trainings in order to attend a canvass!

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Note: You don't have to have attended one of the trainings in order to attend a canvass!
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