Parent/Student Device Agreement
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District Device Code (7 characters long) *
I have been given a charger for the computer I am signing out. *
In this agreement, “you” and “your” means the parent/guardian and the student enrolled in Matanuska Susitna Borough School District (MSBSD). The “equipment” is a laptop, batteries, and power cord/charger. *
TERMS: You will be issued a MSBSD device, battery and power cord/charger. You will comply with the MSBSD’s Responsible Use Policy ( and the MSBSD One-to-One Parent/Student Handbook at all times. *
TITLE: Legal title to the equipment belongs to the district and shall at all times remain with the district. Your right to possess and use the equipment is limited to and conditioned upon your full compliance with this Agreement. Your possession of the equipment terminates on the collection date set by the school unless determinated earlier by the district or upon withdrawal from the district. *
LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT: You must report any lost, stolen, or damaged equipment to the school immediately. For stolen equipment, you must also file a police report. If the equipment is lost or damaged, either intentionally or due to negligence, the student may be subject to discipline and you may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement. *
SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS: Any activity that violates the terms above should be reported to a school administrator. Disciplinary action, if any, for the students and other users shall be consistent with the district’s standard policies and procedures. Violations of the policy can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of access to MSBSD’s electronic resources, other school disciplinary action, and/or other appropriate legal or criminal action including restitution, if appropriate. Students shall be subject to the sanctions of BP# 3515.4 and AS 34.50.020, et seq., as appropriate. ( *
By submitting this form, you confirm that you understand the information in this agreement. You also confirm that you have read, understand, and accept the terms of MSBSD Responsible Use Policy ( and the MSBSD One-to-One Student-Parent Handbook and related policies. *
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