South Carolina Council for the Social Studies:  Clio Scholarship Application
The SCCSS annually recognizes a high school senior or undergraduate student who plans to pursue a career as a K-12 social studies educator.   Winning students will receive the following:
          ** recognition by the SCCSS at the annual fall conference (You are not required to attend, but a brief biography and list of your accomplishments will be printed in the program).
          ** notification of the local media of this accomplishment
          ** a $500 scholarship.
The application deadline is May 1st of each year.

* Complete application
* 2 references:  One MUST be a recommendation from a member of SCCSS
* Submit official transcript by May 1st of each year.
   SCCSS Awards Committee Chair
   PO Box 11746
   Columbia, SC  29211-1746

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Nominee Information
Nominee's Full Name *
Nominee's email Address *
Nominee's Address (Please include City, State, and Zip) *
Nominee's Gender *
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Compose a brief biography and include school, community, and employment activities, leadership positions, and honors/recognitions. Please limit this to 200 words or less.  If selected, this biography may be edited and included in the program for the annual SCCSS conference. *
College/ University/ Technical School, etc. you plan to attend. *
Intended Academic Major: *
Scholarships are awarded to a high school seniors who plan to pursue careers as K-12 educators.  I
Reference Information
List two references.  One must be a member of the SCCSS and the other should be someone who knows you well.  
Name/Title *
SCCSS Member
Email address of Reference: *
Name/Title *
Personal Reference
Email Address of Reference: *
Why are you interested in a teaching career in a social studies related discipline?   *
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