6th Annual Walk to Remember 
Date/Time: Thursday, September 5th at 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Location: Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park (1763 Hamilton Cleves Rd., Hamilton OH 45013)
Hosted by Butler County Suicide Prevention Coalition, an initiative of Envision Partnerships. 

Description: A Walk to Remember is a special event designed for those who have lost someone to suicide to come together, find connection and share hope as they walk in memory of loved ones. A Walk to Remember is a FREE event and ALL are welcome to attend! 

When you arrive at Pyramid Hill, signs will direct you to parking and the event location. The event is outdoors and requires some walking; it will be occurring rain or shine. New this year, there will be lighting as you are exiting the park.

Our keynote speaker is Grace Carr, a local suicide loss survivor and member of the Butler County Suicide Prevention Coalition and LOSS/DOSS Team (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors/Drug Overdose Survivor Support). Butler County recently launched the LOSS/DOSS Team to help support the bereaved. For more information click here. 

With a donation of $10 or more, you can support the Butler County LOSS/DOSS Team and receive a 6th Annual Walk to Remember t-shirt as a token of our gratitude. To secure your size, donate by Thursday, August 22nd. If you are registering after this date, there will be an additional limited supply of T-shirts available at the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the Walk! Please contact Kristen Smith at ksmith@envisionpartnerships.com with questions.

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