The Elevated MC 2025 Waitlist
Are you an MC who is ready to position yourself to earn ₦500k/Event in 2025?
Then you are in the right place.

The Elevated MC is a 6 Weeks PAID Online Group Coaching & Mentorship Program by Joyce Daniels.

Please fill in the form as accurately as possible to help us understand your unique situation.

Let's go....
Email *
Full Name *
WhatsApp Number (With Country Code) *
City, Country *
How many events have you hosted? (Rough estimate) *
What is the highest amount you have ever been paid to MC an event? *
Why exactly would you like to position yourself to earn N500k/event? *
Have you asked for it and did not get it? *
Was it a Negotiation Problem? *
What else have you tried that did not work? *
What do you think has stopped you from earning  ₦500,000 ($500) per event? *
Is earning up to  ₦500k/event a priority now? *
If Yes, Why is it a priority? If No, Why? *
Why are you seeking help now? *
How committed are you to closing this earning gap? *
What is the most important thing you would like to get from this Mentoring Program? *
Which TEMC Cohort would you like to sign up for? (The Cost for signing up is  ₦300,000 / $300) *
Please hold on a bit after clicking submit to see the link to proceed.
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