/r/anime Awards 2018 Public Feedback Follow-Up Form
 Round 2! As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment in the thread on /r/anime!
Which of these additional categories do you think movies should be eligible in?
FYI movies are ALREADY eligible in the genres categories (since the last poll), and in all character categories besides VA
Which of the following should be eligible in the "Best Original Anime" category?
Based on the results of the previous survey, we are going to keep the split between dramatic and comedic characters. Should we maintain the split between main and supporting characters as well, or merge them?
Clear selection
This year, we will have a cap of either 6 or 8 nominations per category with the public adding half and the jury adding up to half, resulting in a range of 3-6 or 4-8 nominees for each category. Should the jury also have a minimum amount of shows they need to pick? In short, what should the range of total nominees be per category? (Select all that you think are acceptable)
If you have any other questions, concerns, or feedback, feel free to voice them here or in the reddit thread!
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