Scarsdale Bowl Nomination
The Scarsdale Bowl Award is the highest honor bestowed on a Scarsdale resident in recognition of his or her volunteer public service in the community. "Any individual (or in exceptional cases a husband and wife) who has given unselfishly of his time, energy and effort to the civic welfare of the community of Scarsdale shall be eligible for honor as the choice of the Scarsdale Bowl Committee, except that the Committee shall not select for such honor any citizen while holding elective office." The founding donors of the Bowl believed that “many who serve generously and voluntarily, without office, honor, or publicity, are those most deserving of having their names permanently inscribed on the Scarsdale Bowl.”
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Proposer Full Name *
Nominee Full Name *
Please list your relationship, if any, to the nominee and the reasons you believe the nominee should receive the Bowl Award *
List the local activities and/or organizations in which the nominee has volunteered and the nominee's role(s) in such organizations.  Include dates of service, if known. *
Nominee's home address *
Number of years nominee has lived in Scarsdale, if known
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