Results Question Form For Missing or Incorrect Results
If you have a question concerning your time, placing, or other results issues, please complete the form below. To help us answer your question as quickly as possible, please complete all questions. Make sure to include additional information that you feel may help us in the comments box on the form. Please note it may take up to 48 hours for us to research your question and reply back to you.  Results are not deemed official for at least 5 days following an event.
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Results question subject? *
Bib Number? *
First Name? *
Last Name *
Email Address? *
Daytime Phone? *
Event Name? *
Did you wear your race bib on your front during the event? *
If multisport event, did you wear the active timing chip band on your ankle for the entire race?
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If Triathlon, which wave did you start with and what color swim cap did you have?
What was your approximate net/chip Finish Time? *
If you recall the approximate time of day you finished, please list it here.
If you noticed the time on the display clock when you finished, please list it here.
Please list additional info that may help us research and answer you results question. Info that also helps us is if you remember the name or bib number of a person you finished close to.
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