The First Pull Request - Talk Feedback
I really appreciate feedback when I give a talk or workshop. Your kind feedback, comments, and suggestion are appreciated! I'm @kentcdodds on twitter if you want to reach out to me :-)
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did you learn anything?
Learned little
Learned a lot
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Too slow
Too Fast
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even if you didn't enjoy the talk subject, was it at least entertaining?
pretty dull
very entertaining
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did I keep your interested, or did I lose you to the internet?
what were you talking about again?
I was totally engaged in the talk
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would you recommend a friend, family member, or dog watch this?
not at all
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Any comments about why you learned so much / little, it was fast / slow, it was dull / entertaining, or it was boring / engaging? If you'd like me to follow up with you, leave contact info in here and I will :-)
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