Thrive Ally Application
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Email *
Phone Number *
Address *
What is the highest level of education you have completed? *
Are you currently (check all that apply)... *
Do you have children/minors living with you? *
If you do have children living with you, what are their ages?
Are you interested in working with adults, teens, or both? *
Are you a registered volunteer with the Flint Hills Volunteer Center? *
Where did you learn about Thrive?  Were you referred by someone?  If so, who made the referral? *
Please answer yes or no to the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - are you at least 18 years old? *
Please answer yes or no to the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - are you motivated to learn and apply new ideas?
Please answer yes or no to the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - are you willing to build purposeful relationships across socioeconomic lines?
Please answer yes or no to the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - does your support system support and encourage your involvement with Thrive?
Please answer yes or no to the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - are you able to attend Thrive on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month for at least 1 year?
Please answer the following qualifications to be an ally with Thrive - have you ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime?  Have you ever been placed on diversion?  Have you ever been investigated for child abuse or neglect?  Please provide information below if you answer yes to any of these questions.
What interests you in being an Ally with Thrive? *
Summarize skills, qualifications, and/or training you have from employment, education, and life experience.  What passions or talents would you like to share with others? *
List community, social, faith-based groups and organizations with which you are involved. *
Describe what you would consider to be your greatest accomplishment. *
What behaviors do you find most frustrating in others?  How do you cope with these behaviors? *
Please print names and email addresses of two (2) people who have known you for at least two (2) years, who know you well, can address how you relate to others and how well you could fulfill the responsibilities of an Ally. The Thrive program staff will contact the references you list. DO NOT INCLUDE RELATIVES.
Agreement and Confidentiality Statement - As a Thrive! volunteer, I understand that I must ensure the confidentiality and privacy of all those who participate.  I also affirm that I have not intentionally misrepresented myself and that the information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. *
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