Test Ch 1 Person in Charge
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1.  How many people need to be identified with the same symptoms for a food borne illness outbreak to be identified? *
2. Which of these is NOT considered a cost of foodborne illness outbreaks? *
3.  Which is NOT a symptom of a foodborne illness outbreak? *
4.  Which is NOT considered a biological contaminant? *
5. Which is NOT a physical contaminate? *
6.  When pathogens are transferred from one surface to another? *
7.  T/F  you may touch your uniform if your hands are clean and  your uniform is clean *
8 .  Mark the most common things which cause a foodborne illness.  There are three listed below. *
9.  Mark the TCS food.  There are 4 *
10.  Pick the Ready to eat food. There are 3.   *
11.  Risk level III and IV operations must have *
11.  Risk level I II  III  IV operations must have *
12. Examples of a risk III operation are when they *
13. Examples of a risk IV operation are when they *
14.  Pick two things you should be able to demonstrate if you are inspected. *
15.  When are you able to NOT wash hands when handling raw or ready to eat food? *
16.  A pan of Chicken wings left out on a prep table for seven hours is which type of hazard? *
17.  A person in charge can demonstrate that they have the knowledge to keep the operation safe by *
18.  Most common causes of food borne illness.  There are three. *
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