Nature Research Academies registration form
The goal of this workshop is to give attendees the necessary skills to be an effective peer reviewer, from both an editor’s and author’s perspective. These webinars will provide practical insights and strategies to help attendees achieve this goal.

Nature Research Academies: Effective Peer-Review

Day 1 - Thursday 4 February 2021 13:00 -15:00 JST
Day 2 - Tuesday 9 February 2021 13:00 -15:00 JST

Nature Japan KK, (hereinafter “NJKK”) will handle the personal information acquired at this training event. If you agree to the following, please continue to register.

Your personal information will be used for the following purpose: providing information to you about the training. Your anonymised feedback will be used to improve our products and will be aggregated and provided to the sponsor.

We may outsource the handling of personal information to contractors who meet the standards set by NJKK. A confidentiality agreement is signed with the subcontractor, and necessary and appropriate supervision of the subcontractor is performed so that the personal information that is outsourced can be managed safely.
Personal information acquired for this event will be discarded within thirty days of the end of the training. However, this does not apply to your anonymised feedback and event reports.

If you have any questions or comments about this Notice, or if you would like us to update information we have about you or your preferences, please contact us by:
Calling: +81 (0)3-4533-8094/ 

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First name *
Last name *
What is your field of research? 
How many papers have you published?
During the workshop, the trainer will be answering participants’ questions about scientific writing and publishing. What would you most like to ask the trainer?
Please let us know about any additional support you need to fully participate in the workshop. We will accommodate such requests as far as we reasonably can.
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