Terms of Service
You must read these thoroughly. Business will not be conducted unless you agree to these terms. Please use a valid email address to fill out this form. (no spam emails) 
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Email *
Name / Username *
Commission type *
I will do
- Humans
-real people
-Detailed clothes & Characters
-Gore/ horror
-NSFW (nudity)

I wont do
-Political art
-Offensive shock content
-NSFW (pornography)
-fetish art


Please allow me 1-3 weeks for artwork, 1-3 months for 3D models and Live 2D work
  -I will make sure to inform you if something arises and your commission may be late.

You are allowed up to three free edits. Every other edit beyond this will cost $3. Please make sure to have everything you need before you request a commission from me.

***I have the right to deny a commission if I feel uncomfortable or do not have the skills to excuse it. 

***I have the right to stop or deny you a commission if you are treating me with disrespect and hostility

You are allowed to use a commission for whatever you would like except for commercial purposes unless given explicit permission to do so. (i.e. t-shirts, cups, prints)

You are NOT allowed to claim my intellectual property as your own (i.e claiming you created the artwork/model)

All commissions will have my signature/watermark placed on them.

Commissions are non-refundable

Please feel free to contact me on my social media platforms or email me at thelostpotatochip00@gmail.com
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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