Participate In Our Research
Thank you for your interest in the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab!

We are gathering the information of owners interested in participating in experimental trials with their dogs. All of our studies are done with owners and involve straightforward, fun games for the dogs. 

Our experiments are conducted on Barnard College's campus on the Upper West Side in Manhattan, but may occasionally have experiments that you may participate in virtually. You can fill out this form whether or not you are local to NYC.

If you don't hear from us right away, we are not planning any studies at the moment. Be assured that we have your information and will contact you whenever we are next recruiting participants. In the meantime, your information is kept confidential. 

We appreciate your interest and involvement!
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number *
Please enter as: XXX - XXX - XXXX
Your Dog's Name: *
(Please answer the following questions keeping one dog in mind. If you live with more than one dog, you may submit information for another dog at the end of this form.)
Dog's Date of Birth: *
If month or year is unknown, please list approximate age. If day is unknown, list "01"
How long have you lived with your dog? *
Is your dog spayed or neutered? *
Is your dog socialized and comfortable around other dogs? *
Most studies will be done with your dogs individually; however, we need this information for our records.
Does your dog have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? *
Have you participated in any of the following classes with your dog(s)? *
Are you able to bring your dog(s) to the Barnard College campus? *
Anything else you'd like to tell us about your pup?
Do you live with another dog who you'd be interested in participating with? *
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