我們相信比起成功,我們更應該學會如何面對失敗。成功從來都不是一時三刻的事,也沒有終點,正如著名TEDx講者 Brené Brown 曾在演講中分享過:「接受自己的脆弱,是真正的勇氣。」



日期:2月24日 (星期三)
地點:網上 (Zoom)
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Asia Pacific Youth Development Foundation Limited (AYF) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate, securely kept and used only for purposes for which they have been collected. To safeguard interest of our member(s), AYF will only handle our event and promotions matters and issuance of event registration receipt for the contact person/organization registered under the “Event Registration” on this form. AYF intends to use your personal data (name, telephone number, email, Linkedin Profile) for the purposes to provide you with information of AYF, activities invitation as well as for survey collection. However, we cannot so use your personal data unless we have received your consent. Upon your request at any time and at no charge, we will cease to use your personal data. You may contact us at info@ayfhk.org. Should you agree such use of your personal data, please indicate by ticking the box above.
Registration & Enquiries
The event is free of charge and the number of participants is limited to 100.  For registration, please register online on or before 23 Feb 2021.  Successful applicants will be notified individually.  For enquiries, please contact us at info@ayfhk.org.
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