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Colorado Art Awards Volunteers
If you
would like to volunteer, complete this form.
We are in need of volunteers throughout the year to make this possible and appreciate our dedicated volunteers in Colorado!
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Are you available to volunteer?
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I can help with....
Art Work Drop off: 1/27 10-1 or 1- 4 Mile High Framing Lakewood
Art Work Drop off: 1/28 12- 4 Mile High Framing Lakewood
Deliver Art to DAM/40 West: 1/29 2 - 4
Exhibition Install @ DAM:1/30 1 - 7
Exhibition Install @40 West: 1/31 1 - 6
Exhibition install @ DAM: 2/1 1 - 5
Awards Ceremonies @ DAM: 2/17 8:30 - 1pm or 12:30 - 4:15
Exhibition DeInstall @ 40 West: 2/25 2 - 6
Exhibition DeInstall @ DAM 3/8 1 - 5
Artwork Transport from DAM to Mile High Framing Lakewood: 3/8 4:30 - 5:30
Artwork Pick Up: 3/9, 10 - 1 or 1 - 4 Mile High Framing Lakewood
Artwork Pick Up: 3/10 12 - 4 Mile High Framing Lakewood
Additional Comments on selected option(s)
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Interested in inviting a community member, colleague, or friend to be part of Colorado Art Awards? Please provide their name, email address, and phone number. We will send them an invite!!
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