Google Play Policy Email Survey
Thanks for taking time to participate in this short survey, which should take no more than 1 minute to complete. We appreciate your feedback as we work to improve policy notifications for Google Play developers.
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After reading the email, I clearly understand how my app violated policy. *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The email includes the information I need to address the policy violation. *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
(Optional) If you have any additional feedback about the notification email you received, please share it below:
Please note that due to Google's Privacy Policy ( we are not able to answer any questions submitted via this form. If you have any questions, please contact the Google Play Developer Support team here:
(Optional) Package name (e.g.
By providing this, you agree to allow us to use your package name to understand the usefulness of Google Play policy notification emails, and improve the services we provide. Your responses may be associated with your Google Play developer account, but any information you provide will remain confidential in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy.
(Optional) Policy Name
Please leave blank if this field is not automatically filled.
(Optional) Survey ID

Please do not alter this field.

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