Student Application - Cultural Connections Scholarship Program
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What is your name? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your address? *
What is your Banner ID#? (For payment purposes) *
When did you begin attending COS? *
What is your major? *
What are your areas of interest? 
ex. interested in historic museums, photography, and video games. 
To best match you with a museum and their project, please select all areas where have experience: *
Can you commit to work 40-60 hours between September 30th and December 8th? *
Please list the days of the week, and times that you would be available to work if selected.  *
Please select the areas within Tulare County that you would be willing to travel to for this program. *
Do you give consent for photos to be taken of you during the project work hours for promotional purposes? *
I have read the Cultural Connections Scholarship Guidelines provided to me*
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