E-design Questionairre
Please fill out the details below. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an invoice via email as confirmation to proceed with this service. After payment has been received, the mood board will be sent to you. Once you approve the mood board, the e-design and a full shopping list will be completed and sent to your via email. (Please allow at least 2-3 weeks)

If you have any questions, please email contact@elm-interiors.com
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Email *
Your Name *
What City/State/Country do you currently live in? *
What is your goal for this project? *
What colors are you drawn to? *
What design style are you drawn to? *
What fabrics are you most drawn to?
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Please list the room you would like to work on? *
Is there a must-have, or priority for this space? *
How do you currently use this space? *
What do you currently like about the space? *
What do you currently dislike about the space? *
What is your budget for this space? *
Do you have furniture in the space you'd like to keep? *
What will your budget cover? (For example, furniture only, furniture + accessories.) If you plan on purchasing items at a later date, please indicate the total budget you would like to eventually spend. *
Which store do you usually shop for your home decor needs? Select all that apply. *
Is there anything else you would like for me to know? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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