GCRA Guest Rowing
Welcome to GCRA! We welcome experienced rowers from all rowing clubs. An active USRowing membership is required in order to row at GCRA and you must be age 18 or older.
We are a volunteer-based organization and rely on our members to organize our rows. We will make every effort to accommodate you while visiting Columbus. 
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Best Way to Contact (Email/Phone)
Who will you row with? 
Tell us your GCRA member host. If unknown, enter "Membership," and a liaison will contact you.
What dates/times are you interested in rowing?
Let us know the dates and time windows you are interested in rowing. Note: As per city ordinances, we cannot row past 10 am on weekends and holidays from May 1-October 1.
What do you row?
Years of Experience
To help us boat you, please let us know anything else you think is relevant:
Ex: Boat class (LWT, Mid, HWT), Masters Age Classification, Paraathlete, Recreational/Competitive Rower
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