Resources Order Form
If you would like some of our information leaflets, posters, free parent packs, or bonding heart sets to give to families that come in to your care with an HIE diagnosis, please complete this quick form. 

Everything we produce is in collaboration with our Parent Panel, to ensure that the resources are appropriate for those on their own HIE journey. We understand what a scary time it can be.

The information leaflets are very gentle, and focus on how parents/carers may be feeling and where they can access support if or when needed. We aren't medical and we don't talk about diagnosis. 

The posters are to signpost people to Peeps and let them know what support is out there if/when they may need it. 

The parent packs contain information on HIE, signposts to support, a "Little Warrior" baby grow, water bottle, journal and pen, bespoke milestone cards and a selection of comfort items.

Please note that we send parent packs out once a fortnight, so encourage you to let us know when you are down to your last 2 packs. If you need anything urgently then please email and we'll do all we can to get them to you quicker.

The bonding heart sets are for those who may have time away from their baby or child, for example if in hospital. They have been hand made by some of our very talented and kind supporters. 

More information can be found on our website or you can email

If you would like translated materials, or information in an alternative format, please don't hesitate to let us know and we can arrange for you. 

Best wishes,
All @Peeps 
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