Why do you feel like your child would be a good fit for the academy? *
Your answer
Will you be able to purchase your child a black blazer, red button down, black slacks, and black dress shoes? *
We will be teaching the children about budgeting and financing do you currently bank with a banking institution? *
If Applicable what extracurricular activities are your child involved in that may
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Will these activities interfere with their ability to attend the academy?
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Attendance is VITAL to this program are you able to commit to bringing your child Saturday mornings ON TIME and picking your child up at the end of the program? *
How does your child respond to feedback, criticism, or failure? *
Your answer
What leadership skills do you feel like your child currently possess? *
Your answer
What skills do you feel like your child could strengthen? *
Your answer
What do you hope your child will gain from the Academy? *
Your answer
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