2023/24 UF Teaching Awards Nomination
Thank you for nominating an instructor! Teaching done outside the major is often overlooked, and we appreciate your help identifying instructors who make a difference to students taking Foundational courses.

Questions about the awards? Visit the website (https://www.boisestate.edu/academics-gec/uf-faculty-awards) or email UniversityFoundations@BoiseState.edu.
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Nominee's Name:
General Education Nomination Category:
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Specific general education course(s) related to this nomination:
What made you want to nominate this instructor for a teaching award? What stands out about them?
Consider the following five award criteria:

1.  Instructor helps students achieve the University Learning Outcomes that the course targets

2.  Instructor explicitly helps students understand why the discipline and course is relevant to non-majors.

3.  Instructor employs high-impact practices (like civic engagement projects, collaborative assignments, or writing intensive assignments) and/or the durable skills that support high-impact practices (like critical thinking, metacognitive reflection, or growth mindset).

4.  Instructor supports the goals of general education through mentoring other faculty or participation in institution-specific or statewide general education initiatives.

5. The instructor tries to increase educational access and affordability for students (for example, by using free open access textbooks, OER).

Does your nominee meet one or more of the 5 criteria listed above? Please discuss any evidence you are aware of that illustrates how your nominee may meet the criteria --such as classroom experiences, conversations you have had with them about teaching, quotes from students, etc.
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