Membership Pause
We are happy to place your membership on a short pause or extended pause. Pauses must be a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 90 days. Pauses longer than a full billing cycle (28 days) may result in the loss of your permanent PT plug in - subject to availability. 

Once this form is submitted, please allow 3 business days for your membership to be paused. We cannot backdate pauses. 

You will see the pause reflected in your Zen Planner app; you will not be able to book classes for the time that you are away. 

Thank you!
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Email *
Today's Date *
First & Last Name(s): *
Please provide the dates you are requesting a pause (both START and END dates): *
Please confirm that you have cancelled yourself out of all your sessions during your paused time period. 

Once we place your membership on pause you will not be able to cancel sessions. To avoid any late cancellation charges, please pull yourself out of sessions. 
Please explain the reason for pausing your membership:
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