Harney Co. Archaeology & Culture Keepers Roadshow Donation Form
In appreciation for any contribution (cash or in-kind), your organization’s logo will be included on our website and our Donation Appreciation poster at the event. Please donate by June 1st to have your logo or company name on our printed poster.

In-kind contributions might include product samples (food, beverage) for Roadshow visitors or the volunteers, help with printing, marketing, etc.
Your donation is tax deductible.

Filling out this form helps us to keep track of the donations we receive - Options for making a donation are as follows:

-Check - payable to the Harney County Historical Society - with note that it is for the "Archaeology & Culture Keepers Roadshow"
Sent to:
18 W D St, Burns, OR 97720, Attn Jim Withee
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Organization, Company or Agency name
Mailing Address *
Primary Contact Person *
Primary Contact Person E-mail Address *
Primary Contact Person Phone Number *
Payment Method *
If you selected 'In-Kind' for the question above, please let us know what you have in mind
A brief description of your In-Kind Donation and an estimated value - examples including printing of posters and flyers, food for volunteers on the day of, donations for our day of raffle, etc.Your answer
Questions? Please Email archshow@pdx.edu
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