BBA Mentorship Application
Welcome to the official application for BBA's Mentorship Program!
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The purpose of this program is to connect BBA members with our Young Bucks in an effort to foster connections and support our member's professional growth!
General Info
This section will be collecting your general information
For starters, what's your first and last name? *
What gender do you identify with? *
What's the best phone number to reach you? *
What's your current title and company? *
Finally, what's your LinkedIn URL? (ex. *
Thanks for your info! Now, do you want to be a Mentor or a Mentee? *
Tell us about yourself
This section is to gather specific information about you.
If you chose Mentor, how many Mentees are you willing to support? (If you chose mentee, select "I'm a Mentee".) *
Do you already have anyone in mind from BBA or Young Bucks for your mentor/mentee? (First/Last name please, enter "N/A" if not) *
Great! Now what field do you work in, have the most experience in, or want to work in? (Ex. Marketing, Financial Advisement, Real Estate, etc.) *
How many years of experience do have in that field? *
What's your greatest strength? (Ex. Communication, Leadership, Analytics, etc.) *
Describe your ideal mentor/mentee. (Ex. For Mentees: MBA, entry-level, early 20's, entrepreneurial, etc. For Mentors: Entrepreneurial, specific certifications, C-suite/senior leader, etc.) *
What's the main goal you'd like to achieve with a mentor/mentee? (Ex. General career advice/guidance, field-specific expertise, leadership development, etc.) *
What are some fun facts about yourself? (Ex. Dog lover, Avid Braves fan, Techie, Foodie, etc.) *
Personal Preferences
This sections asks questions about your personal preferences regarding a mentor/mentee
Now would you prefer your mentor/mentee to be in the same field as yourself? *
Would you be open to a mentor/mentee in a different field, if we can't find a field-specific match? *
Do you prefer your mentor/mentee to identify as the same gender as yourself? *
Would you be open to someone of a different gender if necessary? *
Mentee Section
This next section is for those looking to be a mentee.
Mentors, please enter "N/A" for these questions.
Mentees, where would you like to grow your area of expertise? (Ex. Leadership, Communication, Personal Brand, etc.) *
Mentees, what's the biggest challenge you are experiencing in your current role? (Ex. Struggling to network, unable to attain promotion, issues with superiors, etc.) *
Commitment Agreement
The minimum commitment for this program is meeting at least once a month, unless otherwise agreed upon. Multiple meetings are encouraged for the first few months to create a stronger connection.
Can you commit to meeting at least once a month (by phone or in-person) with your chosen mentor/mentee? *
Whew! We know that was a lot, but you made it! Please click the "Submit" button below and a BBA representative will be in contact shortly regarding next steps!
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