Spring 2023 Graduate InterVarsity (Grad IV)
Hello, thanks for clicking the link! We are very excited for this year's Graduate InterVarsity ministry. Just like last year we are forming a cohort that will meet throughout the semester to study the Bible and pray together. Currently, we are planning on meeting biweekly in person and via Zoom, although that is subject to change as we gauge how the pandemic impacts our community.

Right now, we just want to get to know you a little more and determine what schedule will work best for the majority of respondents. So please be honest, and let us know below.
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Name *
Email *
Phone *
Field of study, major or department at the U of A. *
When will you be generally available this upcoming semester? *
What days of the week would work best for a 1 hour lunch-time gathering? *
What days of the week would work best for an evening gathering? (Likely dinner if in person or meeting via Zoom) *
Would you ever be interested in leading/facilitating a session or being part of the leadership group?
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How would you prefer to meet? *
What content would you like to go over this semester?
Anything else you'd like to suggest or ask?
Thank you for your response!
We are grateful that you have shown interest in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and we are excited to see what the upcoming semester will bring. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Micah at micah.cheung@intervarsity.org or contact her at (281) 250-4806.
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