Shades Of Divinity Volunteer Form
Interested in supporting Shades Of Divinity's Work? Please fill out this form to be apart of our official volunteer team.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Can we text this number? *
Preferred Method of Communication *
What do you identify as? (This is solely for data purposes). *
I am a _____ *
Please describe how your beliefs align with SOD's mission and vision. *
What are your expertise/interests? (i.e, background in Maternal child health or interested in health equity). *
What SOD area would you you like to support? (Click here for detailed information about each focus area). *
Is there any specific project you would like to support?
Would you like to join any of the following committees?
Are there any personal goals SOD can help you with?
Majority of volunteer opportunities are currently remote. As we develop SOD, we will begin to have more in-person activities. If needed, would you be to volunteer in-person? *
For students:

Would you like SOD to help fulfill educational requirements? If yes, what school are you attending?
What is your volunteer commitment level? *
Do you speak any languages besides English? 
How did you hear about us? *
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