STEM High Level Event 2021 - Registration
Organised jointly by BRITEC with Scientix, AmgenTeach, CS Track and the STEM Alliance, the 2021 STEM  High Level Event “Bringing Research Into the Classroom” will aim to share innovative practices regarding Citizen Science in schools and provide insights on how schools can collaborate with Research Centres and Universities.

This event will take place on Thursday 20/05 and Friday 21/05. The STEM High Level event will have sessions open to all on the mornings (from 10:00 to 12:00 am CEST) for both days and closed sessions by invitation only on the afternoons (13:00 to 15:00pm CEST).

Deadline to register: 19/05

Access to the online meeting room as well as the details on how to connect will be shared at the latest one day before the event.
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