The Future of Killer Chat: Kickstarter + Patreon + Merch Interest 
Hi! It's rosesrot here.

Thank you all so much for supporting Killer Chat, the dev team is so grateful and excited for the love we've gotten for the game! 

While we do have smaller-scale, short-term plans for the future of Killer Chat in the works, we would like to gauge how feasible our longer-term roadmap would be. As I have mentioned in my FAQ and on Tumblr, I plan on creating a Definitive/Full Edition for Killer Chat. We are estimating that the Definitive Edition will likely have have double or triple the content that is in the Killer Chat base build. This means that the final count for the game would be somewhere between 80k-120k words!

That being said, we wouldn't be able to do this without your support, hence this survey is to see how viable this is. 
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Would you be interested in seeing a more expanded build of Killer Chat? *
Would you be interested in a Patreon for rosesrot's games? *
If so, what would you be most interested in? Tick all that apply.
Would you support a Kickstarter for Killer Chat: Expanded? *
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