Westy Little League 2024 Season Survey
Hello Westy Little League (WLL) community! Congratulations on making memories and wrapping up a fun Little League season! The WLL Board and coaching staff, made up ENTIRELY OF VOLUNTEERS, is seeking your feedback so that we can aim to continuously improve the experience of our players, parents, coaches, sponsors, and community members. Please complete the following questions as completely as possible. You may remain anonymous. Alternatively, supply your name and we are happy to contact you if you request follow-up and/or if you are interested in volunteering (for various activities/committees, or as a coach, on the WLL Board, or as a sponsor).

THANK YOU for your participation and we hope to serve you again in the near future!
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I participated in WLL 2024 season as a (check all that apply): *
What division did your child participate in this season? *
How likely are you to have your child participate in Westy Little League next season? *
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Please rate your satisfaction level in each of the following areas related to WLL this season. (1 - Not At All Satisfied; 5 - Extremely Satisfied) *
Registration Process
Registration Fee
My Involvement in the League
Coaching My Child Received
Sportsmanship Taught to My Child
Communication from My Child’s Manager or Coach
Communication from the League
Number of Games Played
Number/Quality of Practices
Schedule (Start and End Dates)
Time Commitment Required to Participate
Quality of Fields
Opening Ceremonies and Other Events
Please share your comments/feedback on any of the above areas where you feel we can improve. Comments:
Were you satisfied with the All-Star/Postseason opportunities available and the selection process for those teams? What suggestions or comments do you have for future consideration?
When compared to other activities in which your child participates, how would you rate the value received for the money paid to participate in Little League? *
In what areas would you like to see WLL invest money to improve our program (select your top 3)?
What role would you be willing to help with next season?
If we had extra items printed, would you be interested in purchasing WLL gear to support your player? (Select all that apply or indicate "Not Interested")
May we contact you if we have follow-up questions? (If "yes", please leave your name and email address below.)
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Optional: Your First Name
Optional: Your Last Name
Optional: Your Email Address (we will not share your contact information outside of WLL)
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